Thursday, May 27, 2010


May 23, 2010

It has been a while since I've posted on the blog. Most of my work is on my web sites. and I have brought some of the information here to share with you.

Great Grandma's Liver and Onions

Liver, heart, tongue, gizzards, sweetbreads (thymus) and kidneys were eaten regularly by my grandmother and my great grandmother's generation. They knew that liver was packed with nutrition and that one should eat organ meat once a week. We have forgotten that ancient wisdom.

Liver is packed with B vitamins, coenzyme Q and choline, all of which support healthy function of mitochondria. So are all of the organ meats. We get more of the nutrition from those organ meats the rarer the meat is. Thus when I cook the liver, or any of the organ meats, I use low temperature and leave the meat medium rare.

I went to my great grandmother's cook book: A Compendium of Cooker and Book of Knowledge with an 1890 copyright to look for a recipe using liver. I made the liver according to their instructions and it was fabulous. Here is it translated into modern time.


A pound of Liver

One half pound of Bacon

Sliced onions (one or two)

Sliced mushrooms (optional but very nice)

½ teaspoon powdered kelp (optional)

½ teaspoon coarse black pepper

½ teaspoon sea salt

Slice the onions and mushrooms and place in the bottom of an iron Dutch oven (or any covered casserole will do). Slice the liver and place a slice of bacon between the liver strips. Add one tablespoon of water. Sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon of powdered kelp (good for minerals). Cover the casserole and place in an oven at 180 degrees and bake for 60 minutes and check. The liver is best when it is still slightly pink. If not done enough, continue baking and check every fifteen minutes. If you cook liver until it is completely done, it is more likely to be tough and much less tasty. If you take it out when it is still slightly pink, it will be tender, and at least according to my family, quite delicious.

Check out Nourishing Traditions for a great cookbook which builds on the wisdom of generations on how to use food to maximize your nutrition and therefore your health. A link to that book is provided here.

May 4, 2010

Vitamin D

We have an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency afflicting Americans. The reasons are that we are spending more time indoors year round because of air conditioning, television, computers and other indoor entertainment options. Furthermore, when we go outside, the public has been advised to wear sunscreen to block the 'damaging effects from ultraviolet radiation' contained within the sun light. The consequence is that our skin does not receive the ultraviolet radiation which allows our skin to manufacture vitamin D. Because we live so far north, even if we do go outside at high noon between September and March, the sun is too low in the sky for use to receive sufficient ultraviolet light to manufacture vitamin D. As a result study after study has documented that Americans have a low Vitamin D level, ranging from25 to 75% of Caucasians to 85% or more for those with darker complexions such as an African American or persons of Middle Eastern descent.

The health consequences of low vitamin D are huge. More and more studies are documenting the many adverse health impacts of low vitamin D levels. Many labs set the normal values at 20 to 70. I prefer to use a definition of what level of vitamin D is associated with the best health. To do this, one looks at the many studies looking at the epidemiology of illness risk associated with the levels of vitamin D in the blood. Then it is apparent that the best health outcomes are achieved when the vitamin D levels are between 50 and 100. If the level is less than 20, the likelihood of a bone fracture is dramatically increased. If the levels are between 20 and 30 the risk of schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, high blood pressure, premature birth, infertility, heart disease, cancer and autoimmune disease is increased. At levels between 30 and 40 there is still an increased risk in high blood pressure, aortic stenosis, abdominal aortic aneurysm, cancer and 4 times the risk of multiple sclerosis. At 40 to 50 there is still an increased risk of multiple sclerosis. But between 50 and 100 there is a lower risk of cancer, heart attack, high blood pressure and autoimmune disease. At levels over 150 there is an increased risk of excessive calcium in the blood, hallucinations, psychosis, and kidney damage. Next month I will discuss steps you can take to improve your vitamin D status.

April 20, 2010

Kelp Kelp


Many with MS have an excessive amount of mercury, lead or other toxins. Eating seaweed daily provides iodine and many trace minerals that are important to brain health and support the liver's ability to excrete toxins. I highly recommend the book SEAWEED. The Seaweed Man has been an excellent source of organic, sustainably farmed seaweed. A link to his web site is provided below. A link to more information about the book is also provided.

Seaweed recipes

April 12, 2010

Chronic Venous Blockages and MS

There is a 90 minute webcast on chronic venous blockages and MS on April 14th sponsored by the MS society. More information on how to register is at the following link.

This is an interesting news report about individuals who underwent procedures to open up blocked vessels in an effort to improve MS related symptoms (based on Zamboni's finding that chronic low level blockages of veins draining the brain occur more frequently in MS patients than in normal controls.

April 8, 2010


I spent the last three weeks teaching another Food as Medicine series. Tonight the topic was Poisons in Our Food. The quick message I'd like to reinforce to all of you is that toxic load is the amount of toxins you absorb minus the toxins you excrete each day.

Unrecognized toxic load is a driver for many chronic diseases, including multiple sclerosis. If you have been doing a great job at eating a diet that is low allergen and still having gradually worsening MS -- excessive toxic load may be a factor.

You can look into having an assessment - but you would need to have some kind of provocation test. Most of our toxins are stored in our fat and our brain. Unless you have some kind of challenge test, you will not be aware of the total load of toxins resting in your brain.
Iodine deficiency is a common problem when you have excess toxic load and may be a factor in underlying worsening MS. I suggest visiting the following site for more information on toxic load, iodine and multiple sclerosis.

March 4, 3009

This is a TED Talks Lecture that I recommend highly.

It is the best 18 minutes you'll spend thinking about the links between what we eat and the epidemic of food related illness that is disabling and killing us and our children .

NIH Grant submitted

February 1, 2010

I have spent the last 6 weeks writing grants, making budgets and making multiple revisions. We have now submitted a grant to the NIH asking for funding to test my interventions in a population of secondary progressive MS, primary progressive Ms and advanced Parkinson's disease patients. It was a huge effort, especially since it was my first major grant. As a result I've not written anything for the web pages.

Once the grant was submitted, I went off to study with the Institute of Functional Medicine, once again reviewing biochemistry, physiology and hormones and more. I am more and more impressed that Functional Medicine physician and practitioners are best equipped to help those suffering from refractory and progressive MS and identify what are the key nutritional deficiencies, infections, toxins and genetic vulnerabilities that are driving the disease.


While the intensive nutrition - that is eating greens, sulfur rich foods, colors and high quality protein ( and omitting grains, dairy and eggs) is a huge step, a functional medicine doctor may help you focus your interventions.

If you are copying my protocols --- PLEASE -- consider participating in the longitudinal survey EACH MONTH so that we can follow your progress. I have a handful of people thus far -- and this data helps our grant writing very much. It is a huge benefit to have some early data on what people are doing, how they are responding so that we can project how large the study will need to be to detect the benefits.

Nutrition and MS Survey

Electrical therapy and MS survey

January 3, 2010

This is an excellent on line entry by Dr. Mark Hyman on the dangers of gluten sensitivity. More physicians are recognizing that gluten sensitivity is driving many diseases - cancers, heart disease, autoimmune disease and irritable bowel.

Dr. Mark Hyman and Gluten

December 15, 2009

Voices of MS

Voices of Multiple Sclerosis

Today's post is about a book, titled Voices of Multiple Sclerosis. I am one of the featured authors, in which I recall 'Telling the World'. It was about acquiring a tilt-recline wheelchair due to progressively severe fatigue. In it I recall the challenges of encountering friends and colleagues who were stunned to see me sitting in a wheelchair. My greatest healing came when I learned to laugh at my clumsiness at driving via a joy stick. It was my laughter that signaled to my staff, my family and myself that I was not defeated by my illness.

The book has 33 other wonderful essays about the losses, the gifts, the tragedies and the triumphs which are embedded in having a progressive chronic disease. I recommend the book highly to those have been recently diagnosed as well as those who have known about their disease for years.

The link will take you to the LaChance publishing page where you can purchase the book.

November 24, 2009
Chronic venous blockages

I've been asked by many individuals to comment upon the issue of the chronic venous blockages found in the brains of MS patients and whether it is worthwhile to investigate one's venous status.

I have chosen not to do so. I do note that numerous studies have demonstrated than an increased consumption of brassica (cabbage family) or allicin (garlic and onion family) vegetables make blood more fluid and our white blood cells less sticky. The result is that the problems of sluggish blood flow are greatly reduced. This lowers significantly the risk of heart disease and stroke.

In theory one could have significant improvement in blood flow to the brain by consuming 300 to 600 grams of sulfur rich vegetables (cabbage, onion and mushroom family) vegetables. That is the route that I advocate in my clinical practice. Each person must make their own decision regarding what is in their best interest. In general the long term effect from intensive nutrition is often superior to procedures -- because traumatizing blood vessels with stents and other instrument is not without risk. The other benefit to aggressively using intensive nutrition is it under the individual's control.
November 8, 2009
The Poisons in Our Foods

I recently completed a toxicology profile on myself. Keep in mind that I have been eating 6 plus cups of kale / collards/ onion family vegetables every day for nearly two years. Along with that I have been eating bright colors to maximize my antioxidant intake too. In short I have been following a reasonable detoxification diet.

However I did expect that I'd have some evidence of heavy metals, just because I have come to recognize that heavy metals in the body are often drivers of autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis. I've been taking additional iodine for three months, again to help support my iodine intake.

I took the test through the FFP laboratory (J. D. Flechas, MD) because I wanted to get a status on my iodine and heavy metals. I just go my results and I was surprised.

Here they are
Flouride: normal range
Iodine: provocation 78% when the goal is 90% so iodine stores are low - I probably need another 3 to 6 months of replacement iodine to get my iodine levels in the fully replaced range)
Bromide spot low - but provocation was 38 (3X normal) - which means I have bromide in my body. Bromide competes with iodine, driving up the amount of iodine I need. Bromine will be excreted via urine. But I need a lot of iodine to do so.

Other heavy metals that were toxic
aluminum 2X normal
Barium 20X normal
cadmium slight elevation
cesium 2 X normla
Gadolinium 100 X normal
rubidium slight elevation
thalium 10X normal
tungsten slight elevation
Uraniaum 2 X normal
mercury slight elevation

The big questions --
Where did I get these compounds? \
Am I still taking more into my body?
How do I increase my ability to get rid of them?
Notably, I probably had much higher levels two years ago.
Since cruciferous, onions and sulfur amino acids induce more enzymes that are used in detoxification -- I have been following a good detox protocol.
But now I want to do even more..
I went out looking for more information on detoxification and came across this site.
I found the following web site helpful.

Other sources of information include Dr. Mark Hyman who has several books. Going to his website would provide some information as well.

More information can be found about iodine at

Sources for my heavy metals were probably related to growing up on an Iowa farm, living in communities that used treated river water and living in a home with a shallow well.
Now I have a reverse osmosis water filter. I take a sauna most days, and a clay foot soak. And I take chlorella, spirulina and green tea each day in my morning smoothie.

For those of you with an autoimmune disease, consider the possibility that heavy metals in your fat and brain are adding to your disease.

October 22, 2009

Nutrition and cancer: A review of the evidence for an anti-cancer diet

Michael S Donaldson email

Director of Research, Hallelujah Acres Foundation, 13553 Vantage Hwy, Ellensburg, WA 98926, USA

author email corresponding author email

Nutrition Journal 2004, 3:19doi:10.1186/1475-2891-3-19

The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at:
Received: 28 September 2004
Accepted: 20 October 2004
Published: 20 October 2004

© 2004 Donaldson; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

It has been estimated that 30—40 percent of all cancers can be prevented by lifestyle and dietary measures alone. Obesity, nutrient sparse foods such as concentrated sugars and refined flour products that contribute to impaired glucose metabolism (which leads to diabetes), low fiber intake, consumption of red meat, and imbalance of omega 3 and omega 6 fats all contribute to excess cancer risk. Intake of flax seed, especially its lignan fraction, and abundant portions of fruits and vegetables will lower cancer risk. Allium and cruciferous vegetables are especially beneficial, with broccoli sprouts being the densest source of sulforophane. Protective elements in a cancer prevention diet include selenium, folic acid, vitamin B-12, vitamin D, chlorophyll, and antioxidants such as the carotenoids (α-carotene, β-carotene, lycopene, lutein, cryptoxanthin). Ascorbic acid has limited benefits orally, but could be very beneficial intravenously. Supplementary use of oral digestive enzymes and probiotics also has merit as anticancer dietary measures. When a diet is compiled according to the guidelines here it is likely that there would be at least a 60—70 percent decrease in breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers, and even a 40—50 percent decrease in lung cancer, along with similar reductions in cancers at other sites. Such a diet would be conducive to preventing cancer and would favor recovery from cancer as well.

from the article --

What is the result when all of these things are put
together? What if all of these factors reviewed here were
taken into account and put into practice? This anticancer
diet would have:
• adequate, but not excessive calories,
• 10 or more servings of vegetables a day, including cruciferous
and allium vegetables; vegetable juice could meet
part of this goal,
• 4 or more servings of fruits a day,
• high in fiber,
• no refined sugar,
• no refined flour,
• low in total fat, but containing necessary essential fatty
• no red meat,
• a balanced ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fats and would
include DHA,
• flax seed as a source of phytoestrogens,
• supplemented with ~200 μg/day selenium,
• supplemented with 1,000 μg/day methylcobalamin (B-
• very rich in folic acid (from dark green vegetables),
• adequate sunshine to get vitamin D, or use 1,000 IU/day
• very rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals from fruits
and vegetables, including α-carotene, β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin,
vitamin C (from foods), vitamin E (from
• very rich in chlorophyll,
• supplemented with beneficial probiotics,
• supplemented with oral enzymes
As reviewed above, reductions of 60 percent in breast cancer
rates have already been seen in human diet studies,
and a 71 percent reduction in colon cancer for men without
the known modifiable risk factors. These reductions
are without taking into account many of the other factors
considered in this review, such as markedly increased fruit
and vegetable intake, balanced omega 3 and 6 fats, vitamin
D, reduced sugar intake, probiotics, and enzymes —
factors which all are likely to have an impact on cancer.
Certainly cancer prevention would be possible, and cancer
reversal in some cases is quite likely.

Oral sulforaphane increases Phase II antioxidant enzymes in the human upper airway.
Clinical Immunology, 2009 Mar;130(3):244-51.
Riedl MA, Saxon A, Diaz-Sanchez D.
PubMed ID: 19028145

A study from UCLA shows that sulforaphane triggers an increase of antioxidant enzymes in the human airway that offers protection against free radicals that we breathe in every day in polluted air and pollen. Free radicals can cause oxidative tissue damage, which leads to inflammation and respiratory conditions like asthma. The team fed 65 individuals varying amounts of broccoli sprouts or alfalfa sprouts (which acted as a placebo) for three days. Rinses of nasal passages were collected at the beginning and end of the study to evaluate the gene expression of antioxidant enzymes in cells of the upper airways. "Researchers found significant increases of antioxidant enzymes at broccoli sprout doses of 100 grams and higher, compared with the placebo group."

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Poisons in Our

November 8, 2009
The Poisons in Our Foods

I recently completed a toxicology profile on myself. Keep in mind that I have been eating 6 plus cups of kale / collards/ onion family vegetables every day for nearly two years. Along with that I have been eating bright colors to maximize my antioxidant intake too. In short I have been following a reasonable detoxification diet.

however I did expect that I'd have some evidence of heavy metals, just because I have come to recognize that heavy metals in the body are often drivers of autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis. I've been taking additional iodine for three months, again to help support my iodine intake.

I took the test through the FFP laboratory (J. D. Flechas, MD) because I wanted to get a status on my iodine and heavy metals. I just go my results and I was surprised.

Here they are
Flouride: normal range
Iodine: provocation 78% when the goal is 90% so iodine stores are low - I probably need another 3 to 6 months of replacement iodine to get my iodine levels in the fully replaced range)
Bromide spot low - but provocation was 38 (3X normal) - which means I have bromide in my body. Bromide competes with iodine, driving up the amount of iodine I need. Bromine will be excreted via urine. But I need a lot of iodine to do so.

Other heavy metals that were toxic
aluminum 2X normal
Barium 20X normal
cadmium slight elevation
cesium 2 X normla
Gadolinium 100 X normal
rubidium slight elevation
thalium 10X normal
tungsten slight elevation
Uraniaum 2 X normal
mercury slight elevation

The big questions --
Where did I get these compounds? \
Am I still taking more into my body?
How do I increase my ability to get rid of them?
Notably, I probably had much higher levels two years ago.
Since cruciferous, onions and sulfur amino acids induce more enzymes that are used in detoxification -- I have been following a good detox protocol.
But now I want to do even more..
I went out looking for more information on detoxification and came across this site.
I found it useful.

Other sources of information include Dr. Mark Hyman who has several books. Going to his website would provide some information as well.

More information can be found about iodine at
Sources for my heavy metals were probably related to growing up on an Iowa farm, living in communities that used treated river water and living in a home with a shallow well.
Now I have a reverse osmosis water filter. I take a sauna most days, and a clay foot soak. And I take chlorella, spirulina and green tea each day in my morning smoothie.

For those of you with an autoimmune disease, consider the possibility that heavy metals in your fat and brain are adding to your disease.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

E stim and Incontinence

E stim for incontinenc e
Here are the abstracts for two articles about estim and leaky
The bottom line is that a rectal probe or a vaginal probe to deliver
electrical stimulation to help strengthen pelvic floor muscles works.
It is like an electrified kegel exercise. It is uncomfortable, but
one controls how much electricity is delivered. I have used it, and
am using it now each day and have found it to be quite helpful.

A second method uses electrical stimulation to skin over the posterior
tibiliais nerve (by the ankle). That has been quite helpful as well,
but I have not personallly tried that version. I've pasted copies of
the abstracts from two articles talking about estim and incontinence.
You could take the abstracts to your physician and discuss possible
treatments with estim for your leaky bladdder if that is an issue for
Although it is not yet approved for strengthening muscles to walk,
electrical stimulation of muscles is approved for strengthening
muscles to control one’s bladder. Treating a leaky bladder with
electrical stimulation works using a vaginal or rectal probe to
increase the strength of pelvic muscle works. Multiple studies have
shown this to be effective. The FDA has approved the use of such
devices. Minnova, manufactured by EMPI is one such device. If you
want to learn more – go to the EMPI web page.
Below is an abstract which one could take their physician or physical
therapist for more information to support the request to try e-stim
for incontence.

Treatment of urinary stress incontinence by intravaginal electrical
stimulation and pelvic floor physiotherapy
.Treatment of urinary stress incontinence (USI) by intravaginal
electrical stimulation (IES) and pelvic floor physiotherapy represents
an alternative to other therapies. The purpose of this work was to
evaluate the effectiveness of this treatment inpatients with urinary
incontinence. From January 1998 to May 2000, 30 women (mean age 54
years) were studied. All patients had USI and 70% urge incontinence;
average follow-up was 7 months. Selection criteria were based on
clinical history, objective evaluation of perineal musculature by
perineometry, and urodynamics. The treatment protocol consisted of
three sessions of IES per week for 14 weeks using INNOVA equipment.
Physiotherapy was initiated in the fifth week of IES. A significant
decrease in the number of micturitions and urgency was observed after
treatment ( P<0.01). The pad test showed a reduction in urinary
leakage from 13.9 to 5.9 g after treatment ( P<0.01). Objective
evaluation of perineal muscle strength showed a significant
improvement in all patients after treatment ( P<0.01). A positive
correlation was observed between maximum flow rate (Qmax) and all
three variables: urethral pressure profile at rest and on straining
(stop test), and abdominal leak-point pressure (ALPP). A positive
correlation was also observed between ALPP and the stop test. Over 100
different surgical and conservative treatments have been tried to
manage USI. The majority of these procedures reveal that despite
progress already made in this area, there is no ideal treatment.
Satisfactory results can be achieved with this method, especially with
patients who are reluctant to undergo surgery because of personal or
clinical problems.

Urodynamic effect of acute transcutaneous posterior tibial nerve
stimulation in overactive bladder

J.Urol. Amarenco,G 2003
PURPOSE: Of the various treatments proposed for urge incontinence,
frequency and urgency electrostimulation has been widely tested.
Different techniques have been used with the necessity of surgical
implantation (S3 neuromodulation or sacral root stimulation) or
without requiring surgery (perineal transcutaneous
electrostimulation). Recently peripheral electrical stimulation of the
posterior tibial nerve was proposed for irritative symptoms in first
intention or for intractable incontinence. Clinical studies have
demonstrated good results and urodynamic parameters were improved
after chronic treatment. However, to our knowledge no data concerning
acute stimulation and immediate cystometry modifications have been
reported. We verified urodynamic changes during acute posterior tibial
nerve stimulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 44 consecutive
patients with urge incontinence, frequency and urgency secondary to
overactive bladder were studied. There were 29 women and 15 men with a
mean age +/-SD of 53.3 +/- 18.2 years. Of the patients 37 had detrusor
hyperreflexia due to multiple sclerosis (13), spinal cord injury (15)
or Parkinson's disease (9), and 7 had idiopathic detrusor instability.
Routine cystometry at 50 ml. per minute was done to select the
patients with involuntary detrusor contractions appearing before 400
ml. maximum filling volume. Repeat cystometry was performed
immediately after the first study during left posterior tibial nerve
stimulation using a surface self-adhesive electrode on the ankle skin
behind the internal malleolus with shocks in continuous mode at 10 Hz.
frequency and 200 milliseconds wide. Volume comparison was done at the
first involuntary detrusor contraction and at maximum cystometric
capacity. The test was considered positive if volume at the first
involuntary detrusor contraction and/or at maximum cystometric
capacity increased 100 ml. or 50% during stimulation in compared with
standard cystometry volumes. RESULTS: Mean first involuntary detrusor
contraction volume on standard cystometry was 162.9 +/- 96.4 ml. and
it was 232.1 +/- 115.3 ml. during posterior tibial nerve stimulation.
Mean maximum cystometric capacity on standard cystometry was 221 +/-
129.5 ml. and it was 277.4 +/- 117.9 ml. during stimulation. Posterior
tibial nerve stimulation was associated with significant improvement
in first involuntary detrusor contraction volume (p <0.0001) and
significant improvement in maximum cystometric capacity (p
<0.0001). The test was considered positive in 22 of the 44
patients. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest an objective acute effect
of posterior tibial nerve stimulation on urodynamic parameters.
Improved bladder overactivity is an encouraging argument to propose
posterior tibial nerve stimulation as a noninvasive treatment modality
in clinical practice

Acrylamide - kills brain cells

We are getting too many toxins in our food.
I thought you would want to hear about Acrylamide.

Acrylamide - kills brain cells

Acrylamide is a potent neurotoxin. It is used experimentally to induce damage to brain and spinal cord in animal models of brain disorders. It is also present in our food. See the links to the National Cancer Institute.

It is used primarily in industrial process – especially making plastics. Most important to recognize is that it is also in our food, especially foods that are cooked at high temperature – such as fried foods. French fries, potato chips and other fried foods are at particular risk. This adds to the growing list of toxins in our food which are capable of damaging brain tissues.
Eating organic, and NOT frying one’s food is a good thing to do for your brain. Eating for your mitochondria will make it easier to for your body to excrete the toxins which show up in your food.

Venous Insufficiency and MS

This a copy of press release on a meeting convened this week about the dramatic improvement in MS patients treated for venous sufficiency. The results suggest that venous blockages occur prior to the onset of symptoms and the severity of the blockages are strongly associated with the severity of the MS symptoms and rate of decline.
I knew you would want to know about this exciting news.

Venous blockages and MS

This is long - but it is a copy of the press release from a scientific meeting convened to discuss venous blockages in the setting of MS.

The bottom line is that maybe having procedures to evaluate for the presence of blockages in the blood vessels and repairing those blockages will someday soon replace taking immune modulating drugs like Tysabri. I still think nutrition will be very important. Although we may be born with the predisposition to develop blockages -- our diets, and our mother's diet coupled with the toxins in our environment may play a strong role in turning on the genes that cause blood vessels to be twisty and at risk of blockages. This is breaking news. Yet - genetics take hundreds of thousands of years to shift how our bodies are made. Shifts in diet and toxins can shift which genes are on and how our bodies are made in one generation. As dramatic as this news is, it does not change the critical role of feeding one's mitochondria and our brain cells with all the nutrients they need.

Bologna, Tuesday Sept. 8, 2009
Venous Function And Multiple Sclerosis
International Coterie
Four main points concerning the relationship between CCSVI and
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS were covered by several experts at a Meeting in
Bologna. All the investigations that gave an answer to these 4
fundamental points were coordinated by Prof Paolo Zamboni who discovered CCSVI and its association with Multiple Sclerosis; in some other cases, research was carried out in cooperation between Prof Zamboni and major foreign Universities.
1) What is the origin of the extracranial cerebral vein stenoses which
characterize CCSVI?
2) Are there advanced diagnostic systems capable of identifying which
changes are caused by CCSVI in the central nervous system?
3) Can CCSVI be treated and how?
4) Can CCSVI therapy improve the clinical outcomes of MS and affect its
Venous Function And Multiple Sclerosis is an international coterie of
experts who met in Bologna on September 8 to discuss these issues from the
perspective of neurologists – who have developed the scientific body of
knowledge on MS – and the vascular and neurological surgeons who have
further investigated these topics following the discovery of CCSVI. All
investigations were coordinated by Professor Paolo Zamboni who discovered CCSVI and its association with multiple sclerosis.
This first study was conducted by an Italian research team composed of the
vascular surgeons’ group headed by Professor Paolo Zamboni from the
University of Ferrara and the neurologists’ group from the Department of
Neurosciences of the Bellaria Hospital in Bologna headed by Dr. Fabrizio
Fondazione Hilarescere is a foundation specially set up to provide adequate
means and resources for research into medical and scientific insights aimed at
fully understanding and curing diseases which are still partly unknown.
Fondazione HILARESCERE, chaired by Professor Fabio Roversi-Monaco, was
set up on an initiative of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna.
endovascular therapy has led to a decrease in the number of disease
relapses, a marked reduction in the number of active brain and spinal
lesions and also a clear-cut improvement in the patients’ quality of life.
Prof. Paolo Zamboni headed a study where, together with Dr. Fabrizio Salvi,
he was able to show that in patients with the clinical form of Relapsing-
Remitting MS – which is the most common – there is a drop in the number of
active lesions which persists up to 18 months after surgery. The percentage of
active lesions falls from 50% to 12%, thus showing that the additional
treatment of CCSVI reduces the aggressiveness of the disease. This finding is
further confirmed by the number of patients who showed no relapses after
endovascular surgery. In the 2 years before surgery, acute multiple sclerosis
attacks were found in 50% of the recruited patients, while in the 2 years
following surgery 73% of the patients had no more attacks, with a change in
the clinical course of the disease. In all these patients also cognitive and motor
activities – assessed by means of an outcome measure called MSFC - are
significantly and persistently improved while the same is not true for patients
with the progressive forms of the disease. In the latter, however, progression
was stopped and the patients’ quality of life improved.
The experts discussed, provided data and gave an answer to all 4
fundamental questions:
1) What is the origin of the extracranial cerebral vein stenoses which
characterize CCSVI?
3 scientists answered this question from different perspectives: Professor
Byung B. Lee, Georgetown University School of Medicine di Washington DC,
showed that the malformations found in CCSVI are congenital truncular
malformations which therefore certainly precede the development of Multiple
Sclerosis. For this reason they cannot be regarded as a consequence of
Multiple Sclerosis. Prof. Lee showed in which phases of the venous system
development the malformations observed in CCSVI may appear. Byung B. Lee
is the Chairman of the World Consensus Conference which gathers vascular
experts from 47 countries and recently approved a scientific update on venous
malformations in Montecarlo. (1)Professor Giulio Gabbiani, Centre Médical Universitaire di Ginevra,demonstrated that there are no auto-immune phenomena in diseased veins thus excluding that the malformations found in CCSVI result from Multiple Sclerosis. He showed the results of a study which provides a histologic
comparison between the walls of the veins affected by CCSVI-MS and those of
normal subjects. Furthermore, at molecular level, CCSVI veins are structurally
different from those of the control subjects, thus confirming the approach of the
Montecarlo Consensus Conference. Prof. Gabbiani is one of the most important
world experts in microscopic vessel wall morphology. (2)
The third presentation was about whether – genetically speaking – these
malformations have any correlation with the findings so far obtained from the
genetic study of MS. Prof. Alessandra Ferlini, Director of the Institute of
Genetics at the University of Ferrara, discussed this point by presenting the
promising results of a pilot study. (3)2) Are there advanced diagnostic systems capable of identifying which changes are caused by CCSVI in the central nervous system? This is the second question addressed at the Meeting. Professor Mark Haacke,
Director of the MRI Istitute for Biomedical Research in Detroit (4,5,6) and
Professor Bianca Weinstock-Guttman, Neurologist at the Jacobs Neurological
Institute (7) showed new magnetic resonance (MRI) parameters linked to CCSVI which might in the future bring about a true revolution in the way of diagnosing MS. These new parameters include: quantification of iron deposits and volume assessment of intracranial veins and CSF. 3) The third question that was answered at the Meeting was: Can CCSVI be treated and how? Innovative minimally-invasive endovascular repair
techniques were discussed on account of the findings obtained by Dr. Roberto
Galeotti (8), Head of the Interventional Radiology Section at the University
Hospital of Ferrara who was the first in the world to perform this type of surgery,
and Dr. Michael Dake, Chief of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology at
Stanford University School of Medicine (California), who was the first to treat
CCSVI outside Italy. The most important finding is safety. At 2-year follow-up no major complications were observed. All surgical procedures were performed on a day hospital basis. Statistically, this treatment decreases pressure in the cerebral veins in a highly significant way, thus showing its enormous anti-inflammatory potential.(8)The risk of re-stenosis is 16 times higher in the jugular veins than in the azygos vein, thus pointing to the need for more sophisticated and efficient tools
to approach the former. Research will make such tools available during 2010.
4) The fourth and fundamental point is whether CCSVI therapy can improve
the clinical conditions of MS and affect its prognosis.
Dr. Fabrizio Salvi from the Bellaria Hospital in Bologna was the first
Neurologist who studied the clinical correlations of CCSVI treatment in
MS patients together with Prof. Paolo Zamboni. The patients enrolled in this
study were 120 from all clinical classes, but only the results of the 65 subjects
who are over 18 months from surgery will be reported in order to describe the
outcome with the greatest possible accuracy. Generally speaking, patients
treated with endovascular therapy showed a decrease in the number of
disease relapses, a marked reduction in the number of active brain and
spinal lesions and also a clear-cut improvement in the patients’ quality of
life. The findings of this investigations will soon be published in detail on the
Journal of Vascular Surgery (8).
Finally, Dr. Robert Zivadinov, Jacobs Neurogical Institute di Buffalo, discussed
the results of a revolutionary pilot study performed last year where both
American and Italian patients were blindly assessed in the USA by means of
advanced MRI technology, then submitted to vascular surgery in Italy and
followed up during the following year (9). This study was defined by the patients
who volunteered to participate as the study of the 50,000 miles for treatment,
because of the many trips they had to take overseas. This study was sponsored
by Fondazione Hilarescere.
(1) World Consensus Conference on Venous Malformations, Montecarlo
September 4th 2009. This document was approved by experts from 47 different
countries and will be published on all most important vascular surgery journals.
(2) G. Gabbiani, M. Coen, F. Mascoli, P. Zamboni. Manuscript in
(3) A. Ferlini, M. Bovolenta, M. Neri, F. Gualandi, A.Yuryev, F. Salvi, A.
Liboni and P. Zamboni. Manuscript in preparation.
(4) Haacke EM, Makki M, Ge Y, Maheshwari M, Sehgal V, Hu J, Selvan M,
Wu Z, Latif Z, Xuan Y, Khan O, Garbern J, Grossman RI. Characterizing iron
deposition in multiple sclerosis lesions using susceptibility weighted imaging. J
Magn Reson Imaging. 2009;29:537-44.
(5) A. V. Singh and P. Zamboni Anomalous venous blood flow and iron
deposition in multiple sclerosis. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2009 Sep 2. [Epub
ahead of print]
(6) P. Zamboni, E. Menegatti, B. Weinstock-Guttman, C. Schirda, J. L. Cox,
A. M. Malagoni, D. Hojnacki, C. Kennedy, E. Carl, M. G. Dwyer, N. Bergsland,
R. Galeotti, Sara Hussein, I. Bartolomei, F. Salvi, R. Zivadinov. The severity of
altered venous haemodynamics is related to CSF dynamics in chronic
cerebrospinal venous insufficiency Submitted To Current Neurovascular
(7) P. Zamboni, E. Menegatti, B. Weinstock-Guttman, C. Schirda, J. L. Cox,
A. M Malagoni, D. Hojnacki, C. Kennedy, M. G. Dwyer, N. Bergsland, R.
Galeotti, I. Bartolomei, F. Salvi, M. Ramanathan, R. Zivadinov. Csf flow and
brain volume in multiple sclerosis are associated with altered cerebral venous
doppler haemodynamics. Study presented at the European Multiple Sclerosis
Congress ECTRIMS Düsseldorf, 9-12 September 2009
(8) P. Zamboni, R. Galeotti; E. Menegatti; A. M. Malagoni, S. Gianesini, I.
Bartolomei, F. Mascoli, F. Salvi Endovascular treatment of chronic
cerebrospinal venous insufficency. A prospective opern-label study. Journal of
Vascular Surgery, 2009, in press.
(9) P. Zamboni, R. Galeotti, B. Weinstock-Guttman, G. Cutter, E. Menegatti,
A. M. Malagoni, D. Hojnacki, J. L. Cox, C. Kennedy, I. Bartolomei, F. Salvi, R.
Zivadinov Endovascular Treatment for Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous
Insufficiency in Multiple Sclerosis . A longitudinal pilot study. Study presented at
the European Multiple Sclerosis Congress ECTRIMS Düsseldorf, 9-12
September 2009
Bologna, 8 September 2009
Press Office: Laboratorio delle idee – Francesca Rossini –

Although this is dramatic news, there are also press releases that indicate foods from the cabbage family influence how our blood vessels are shaped. That tells me that our nutrients influence how likely we are to develop chronic blockages which may lead to more aggressive MS. Once again, I think it is very important to have 3 cups of greens, cabbage family and onion family vegetables each day. To learn more about nutrition for mitochondria and brain check out my web site.

School lunch changes to make it healthier

This is from the Slow Foods movement --
While not directly related to MS -- the issue of how we feed our children has direct impact on their future risk of MS.
See the notes below.

Dear members, supporters and friends,

On Labor Day, more than 20,000 people came together in all 50 states to tell Congress it's time to give kids real food at school. If you went to an Eat-In, we'd like to say thank you. And if you're one of the Slow Food Chapter Leaders and Eat-In Organizers who put incredible time and energy into the 300 Eat-Ins that took place nationwide, we'd like to shout thank you -- you made the day possible.

Check out some of the incredible photos: tags/timeforlunch/.

The momentum helped us surpass our Labor Day petition goal - there are more than 20,000 signatures online, another 10,000 on paper, and many more still coming in. That's a huge show of support. When Congress starts debating the Child Nutrition Act this fall, we'll be able to take those signatures to legislators and make a strong case for reform.

In the meantime, please take a moment to share some of the photos and stories of the Eat-Ins with your friends, and invite them to get involved. This movement is growing stronger by the day, and there will be plenty to do in the next phase of the Time for Lunch campaign.

P.S. The Day of Action is over, but the "Give More If You Can, Less If You Can't"membership offer lasts through the month of September. Make sure to tell your friends why it's a good time to be joining our movement for change.

Thank you,

Josh, Brian, Jerusha, Gordon, Deena, Emily
The Time for Lunch Team

Monday, September 7, 2009

MInding My Mitochondria

Minding My Mitochondria

By Dr. Terry L. Wahls

Dr. Wahls is an academic general internal medicine physician who has secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. Her MS confined her to a life of dependence on a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years. Eighteen months after starting her intensive, focused nutrition and electrical therapy to strengthen her muscles, Dr. Wahls now commutes to work five miles each day on her bicycle.

Minding My Mitochondria is a clear and concise explanation of the biochemistry that drives our brains and how the food we eat is linked to the health we do or do not have. Dr. Wahls teaches us how our brain cells work, the building blocks our cells need to do the work of living, and how to eat to ensure you have enough of them.

If you have a neurological or a psychological problem improving the health of your mitochondria will help your brain. If you have a chronic medical problem, improving the health of your mitochondria will help your body.

This book reveals the interventions, and the science behind them, that Dr. Wahls has used to restore her own health and the physical and mental health of her patients. Over 40 brain health recipes are included!

I.S.B.N. 13: 978-0-9821750-9-5

I.S.B.N. 10: 0-9821750-9-4

Publisher: TZ Press

119 pages


Chapter 1. The Beginning

Chapter 2. Mitochondria

Chapter 3. Cellular Function and Brain Health

Chapter 4. Micronutrients, Supplements, and Food sources

Chapter 5. Neuro-protection

Chapter 6. Food Matters and MS

Chapter 7. Recipes

Chapter 8. The Synergy between Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation and Nutrition

Chapter 9. Frequently Asked Questions--and Answers

Chapter 10. Conclusion


Nutrient and Function Chart



Chapter 1. The Beginning

Rising costs of health care is crushing us. It’s not just old people getting diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and cancers that are adding the cost of healthcare. Nearly a third of our children have serious medical problems like autism, depression, learning disabilities, obesity, or pre-diabetes. In addition to the exploding costs of health care, productivity of the American worker is falling because of declining worker health. Despite all the money spent on health care, we, and our children, are progressively less well.

Why is this happening to us? Have our genes gone bad? After all scientists are identifying more genes associated with chronic disease each day. Are mutations transforming our strong, lean bodies into obese, chronically diseased ones, or is there something else going on that is causing this change in the health our country?

I think the explanation for what has happening can be found in the corn fields of Iowa. When you buy seed corn, all the kernels have essentially the same DNA. The way farmers know what kind of crop to expect in the fall. Say the farmer plants half of the bag of seed corn in black Iowa soil and the other half in a trash heap filled with clay, plastic debris, and rock. Return in the fall to harvest the corn. The corn planted in the black dirt will be tall with three ears of corn on every plant. But the corn in the trash heap will look diseased. Instead of being dark green, the corn stalks will yellowed, stunted and barely three feet tall. Very few will have an ear of corn. If they do, only a few kernels will be present on tiny nubbins. It was the same DNA in both fields. But the black Iowa dirt was filled with the nutrients the corn’s DNA needed. The trash heap lacked nutrients, and you saw the results.

All moving things, including our bodies, break down with time. Fortunately, our bodies have tiny little maintenance workers who are busy repairing all the little wear-and-tear damage that occurs each day. Our DNA provides the blueprint for all the proteins and other stuff that needs to be replaced. If those little maintenance workers don’t have the all the building blocks, that is, the correct minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids, then trouble happens. They can’t make things according to the DNA blueprints. Those replacement molecules and structures get made not at all, or incorrectly, and we begin to deteriorate.